Muddy Top

Wow. 2024 has been absolutely mind blowing on how many bands are reuniting and how many are celebrating anniversary albums. Even some bands with some of worst past histories in many genres have reunited. I myself, when I personally know the members involved I do not touch on the past. I always help them celebrate the future. Hell, even if I do not know the members personally, I still don’t judge.

One of the main reasons I don’t judge is because the music doesn’t die folks..the band many break up and never reunite but their music they left behind is permanent. But then here you have a band that means a LOT to me as an individual and music fan as well. I created this blog to write my stories and share my news with all of you, and yesterday when I learned the news of some other Muddy Roots acts, I knew I HAD to write this one and tie it in with all my other Muddy articles. I do not want to steer away from the entire subject here but it’s hard to because to me they go hand in hand, and by the end of this article you will know why.

I suppose if it wasn’t for music, then I found many of you OG Muddy buddies on MySpace and those Farmageddon festivals too! Now, this band here was prevalent during my prime time music healing period of my 2006 divorce. I found it within this tight knit community of bands taking Bluegrass, Thrash Metal, Country, Folk, A lot of Punk and other genres juxtaposed into one song.

It was a special sound and it was sung with a special menacing grit that the normal society people couldn’t look for in a song. Many of the songs touched upon the darker side of life and the demons that we deal with on a daily basis. People like me don’t view life from the same perspective that regular society saw.  I think the best way to describe it was E or E minor chords with a hard thump 2 and 4 on the timing with lyrics of drinking and drug consumption and murder.

What it truly was was a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds who were raised listening to Punk Metal and Thrash Metal among Country and Bluegrass. Many of us did not listen to 90s Country or Country Pop or Grunge stuff like Nirvana so we went Old School Country. Me, Myself I went what they call Alt-Country. I swayed away from what was mainstream and I got into bands like the Old 97’s and Split Lip Rayfield, The Bottle Rockets, BR5-49, and Texas music like Ray Wylie Hubbard.

So basically in 2007 all of these bands came into a community that juxtaposed all of this aforementioned music all into one form of music. some called it “Roots Music” some called it “Thrashgrass” and a million other names….I just called it good music, and I gravitated towards it.   The Calamity Cubes was one of the first bands that I discovered like that, and the first thing I liked about them was the fact that there was no drums, but yet they had impeccable timing. If you understand music timing can change when the lyrics go to nefarious places, and any band that can do that and flow is amazing…they are that.

I started this website in mid 2012 right when they released ” Old World’s Ocean”, and it was right upon the cusp of a high point in all of these band’s time…none of the bands really had solid lineups because so many people played for/with so many others. The Urban Pioneers were not established yet, but Liz and Jared showed up on soooooooo many albums, even I learn of new ones now!

So through all of these festivals and from Hank III ( yeah 1999 he was Hank III but he was still the POLISHED Hank III ) when he started putting the punk into his music, I found all of these like minded bands.  I’m going to talk more about Muddy Roots on a seperate time.

Earlier this year, we began seeing Brooke Blanche, Kody and Joey all post pics and short videos together that they were getting together and piddling around again. I wasn’t totally sure exactly what to think of it, because I stay in my lane and don’t try to get into legal issues or personal issues.  But I tell you what…I’m super excited to see The Calamity Cubes back again.

To you three guys:

When I first went to some of the shows and went to the festivals, you guys accepted me and loved me for being a fan and a friend.  You didn’t care what I looked like or how many patches I had on, I just enjoyed the music and I got it. Gold Light means a lot more than just a party. I am truly thankful you three saw fit to bring The Calamity Cubes back, and along with your choice I hope you know how much joy you have brought to us as a result.

The music you have brought upon your friends has helped me through a very bad pill and beer addiction and also a divorce. True, many other bands helped me but The Calamity Cubes have a special place in my heart…and my CD collection!

I cannot wait to write about them further!

Merry Christmas Everyone.

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