The only reason I names this my pick was just in case Joshua wants to make his own on here, and that way they can be separate in their own right but you can still find both on here. Both of us have so much going on with our lives that when I get time to do it I do it. Even when I do not write on a timely basis, I still keep track of all music related things for the year and usually spend my Christmas vacation doing all of my year end work.

I did indeed make a 2024 essential albums list that included all of my TOP 50 titles and my album of the year also. I do a lot of articles like this one when I am surfing and studying to look for new music to cover and other news subjects to touch upon. We put a lot of time and work into this website and I am not trying to be a media outlet, this is just my own personal blog.

I just basically don’t focus on spreading negative news and I try my best to not put down the music I do not like and I support the music I do indeed like. I really don’t try to get political and I don’t often get overly religious, however I do have a deep faith in God and I do my best to do all things in his glory.

On the other hand, I fully support my friends rights to live with their beliefs like I do, I have gay friends and friends that hunt and all other lifestyles and I firmly believe any of them that stand up for their beliefs and practices them is a true REBEL…so my pick of 2024 overall was Anne Wilson. REBEL.

I KNEW right off the bat when the label told her that one of her singles was “too country” for current radio play that this album was destined to be good. She personally wrote or co wrote all sixteen tracks on this whopping 54 minute album. Even though it was marketed as a Christian album, it got into the Country realm of being, because basically it is. From the opening line “Who talks to a man that they can’t see?” I already knew I would love this song.

Being a Christian is hard to explain to others because faith is what’s it’s based on and it’s just a feeling and a knowledge that your higher power is real and you cannot do it on your own. I know that there is a lot of scrutiny and hatred that comes from atheists and non believers but I have found that many of them do indeed respect my decision because I respect theirs. See, being a good Christian means you don’t go Bible bashing to everyone however when someone who “gets it” finds you then both of you rejoicing in the Lord is a beloved experience. That’s what I found here.

The greatest song on this album is 3:16. The very first time I heard it I had to pull over and cry. This song is nothing more than three chords and the truth. Basically we have a burning desire to do all things to please our savior. I believe in that wholeheartedly, and I’m very proud of this young lady and her struggle to keep this album relevant in an unfriendly industry. For God so loved the world….always remember that.

But it is not only just the lyrics that grabbed me it was also the musicianship that made me enjoy this album so much. The steel guitar work on the songs like “Songs About Whiskey” made that song all the more amazing, while maintaining a secular sound and arrangement that could comfortablely place the album in a playlist like that.

“Power Of A Praying Woman” reminded me of my mother. Nobody loves you like your mother. The other song that was my favorite was “Red Flag” , a comical song about red flags in men if they don’t hunt and fish. I applaud this entire team of people that produced, created and arranged this album…..

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