Well I certainly could have picked ANY of the thousands of artists I cover on this website, or I could have wrote an article of some artist to get millions of views because they are mainstream….but would that be TRULY personal? No, my friends it just wouldn’t be in my opinion. This article is about to be a journey into the TRUE CORE of my choice and what this man and his music means to me, so grab your favorite beverage and sit back and relax and dwell with me for awhile for some personal memories and reasons WHY he is my choice!
This man works so many road shows it is absolutely unreal how people like him operate and do as much as they do in 24 hours. This man reads and studies the heroes that he has much like I do daily. He can sit down with me and converse with me about everything from Bobby Mackey to Doug Kershaw. Everytime we talk on the phone I usually learn something, in fact not many of the artists I cover called me on Christmas to say “Thank You for being in my life”. He and I are TRUE success stories in every sense of the word and we share many personal accolades, we beat that evil addiction.
He released a GREAT ALBUM in 2015 on Little Class Records and it made my Top 50 of 2015 and it was concept album that came in three parts. It contains one of his most well written songs “As Long As You Ain’t Coming Back”.
I honestly can say I have watched him preform in more states than I can remember and more venues than I can also remember but how bout some of my favorite stories about this guy from Hagerstown Pa? I remember when we first met back at Altamont Tennessee at the Troy Rector benefit show called “Outlaws And Icons” where I first heard him perform many of the songs of his while he cried with such passion that none of the artists there came close to. I mean HOW did we all know THAT would be the last time we would see Wayne Mills?
The death of Wayne Mills brought about another group he was involved with called “The Last Honky Tonk Music Series” which brought us together at Bobby Mackey’s haunted Honky Tonk in Wilder Kentucky…pretty much Cincinnati Ohio. Hanging out with LEGENDS like Billy Don Burns and Billie Gant. We got to play some secluded music together as well, both of us stayed at O’l Chuck’s house and everybody was drinking all his coffee that morning and they wrote “1:15 in Wilder”..I had already left because I came back to Tennessee for the Urban Pioneers.
I saw him play his very first Muddy Roots festival last year in Cookeville Tennessee as he BURNED UP the stage out there. It was HOT…Altamont was COLD, so there you have it we shared hotel rooms at more festivals than anything. He once told me “Man I seen you more this year than my wife”. Cause YUP there we was at Crooked Smile festival in Indiana in 2015, where I brought the website to that area for the first time ever.
The man opened a bunch of shows for Shooter Jennings and Waymore’s Outlaws and when Colonel Jon died Mr. Joshua was there with me and Mr.Bandana loving on one another like Mr. Jon would want. It was a GREAT service and a truly blessed celebration of his life. He was lost way to early and to this day we will remember the Last Mogul. In fact I’ll never take his picture down from the sidebar of my website, that’s a number three rule.
Then there was Outlaw Fest where he spent time with me at my first ever tent sponsorship eating steak sandwiches in the mud while Kristie yelled at me from the next tent over and nicknamed me KARL..I have no idea why they just did. He was presented with a BEAUTIFUL portrait drawn by our friend Kenneth Marr who does most of my graphics. In fact he designed my logo so if you like it call him for your needs.
Well what will 2016 bring? I can tell you unless things go wrong with me in some form I’ll be spending time with him at four festivals this year. Things happen family passes on and times change, brotherhood does not. I could go on for days with stories about him and what he means to me. So you see I chose him not only for performance reasons but for personal ones too, yeah other websites can choose their “Artist Of The Year” and I respect them…but I’d like to see more of them choose from personal love rather than JUST admiration of their music, because THAT is what the business lacks today.