It’s NO secret to any of my readers I am VERY CLOSE to the people that operate Muddy Roots. I mean if you ask me from the heart what Muddy roots REALLY MEANS to me well, I’ll tell you and I’m going to repeat this in my other article for Muddy Roots main festival coming soon.
I have been a member of the Muddy family for ten years now, hell, they been better to me than my OWN family. having been adopted and never really meeting own mother, I can easily say that. In that decade of festivals Mr. Jason has derocinated so many bands from the Roots Music genre, and brought them into a larger audience and THAT IS WHY I LOVE HIM from a professional level.
I mean HOW MANY BANDS have I featured on here because of people like him and his crew of people? TONS! Many of the bands I already knew about and some he taught me about, because I cared enough to open my mind up and find them for myself. I have met countless friends for life out there in that field, been to weddings and witnessed babies being born…breakups and relationships within the community…I got to see them all.
I get hugged more during Muddy Roots than anytime of the year. Recently Mr. jason started the vintage wine tasting train ride through Tennessee This Americana Roots, Whiskey & Wine Train is Saturday. 11am-5pm. Tons of bands like John r Miller, as Thompson, farmer and Adele, Todd day wait, Tim Bolo
Tim Bolo
Todd Day Wait’s Pigpen
Allen Thompson
John R. Miller And The Engine Lights
The Farmer And Adelle
Arrive at Tennessee Central Railway Museum 220 Willow St. Nashville TN. 37210
Boarding: 10:30 am
Departure: 11:00 am sharp
Return: 5:00 pm