and final single release off the album, a genuine country narration that speaks to a world over accessorized with warnings about everything except losing what matters most. A spring tour will follow closely behind hitting a good portion of Texas and some Midwestern states. DAB will also head down to the Key West Songwriters Festival this year.
“Neon Town” as a whole received deafening applause from music critics based on the album’s bona fide honky tonk nature paired with consummate songwriting. David Adam Byrnes is a name surrounded by media buzz these days and is popping up on influencer lists including Wide Open Country’s “three acts to watch in 2021.”
“Slapping you square across the face with steel, fiddle, and Telecaster guitar, David Adam Byrnes is here to answer where all the country in country music has gone. And no, it didn’t take flight to ‘Americana.’ You want country damn music? Well here you go.” -Saving Country Music
“Honky tonk singer David Adam Byrnes knows about those ‘Old School’ moves. Fans of Mark Chesnutt should especially take note.”
“’Neon Town’ positioned David Adam Byrnes to finally get his due as one of Texas’ best guitar-slinging, country music singing, past-honoring troubadours.”
–Wide Open Country
DAB Spring Tour Dates:
3/19-Golid, TX Schroeder Hall
3/26-Pottsboto, TX Bay at the Lake
3/27-Cameron, TX Country City Saloon
3/28-Pittsburg, TX Los Pinos Winery
4/2-Columbus, NE Husker Bar
4/3-Venice, NE Bucks Bar & Grill
4/9-Fayettesville, AR George’s Majestic
4/10-Fort Smith, AR The Majestic
4/15-North Little Rock, AR South on Main
4/16-Nashville, TN Nashville Palace
4/22-Dallas, TX Elm Street Saloon
4/23-Dallas, TX The Rustic
4/30-College Station, TX Southerns
5/1-San Antonio, TX The Rustic
5/4-Key West, FL Key West Songwriters Festival
5/8-San Antonio, TX Bowman Backyard
5/9-Driftwood, TX The Taylor Tavern
5/21-Midland, TX The Lone Star Bar
5/23-Padre Island, TX Laguna Bob