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This week I bring you Craig Gerdes. I really enjoy his music and believe that you will also. If you haven’t you should check him out. Please remember to like this page so you don’t miss any upcoming interviews and share this post to help spread Craig’s music to others.

ROUND 1 – If you were asked to describe your music to a group of people that had never heard it, how would you describe it?

Craig – “I would say it’s genuine, relatable, real life stuff. I might write & sing about my own life experiences or someone else’s. Either way, I like to think that’s what makes the music relatable & real to people.”

ROUND 2 – Can you tell us your favorite lyrics of all time and tell us why those lyrics made such an impact on you personally?

Craig – “My favorite lyrics..”You stayed with me through thick & thin…You watched me lose…you watched me win…You picked me up off of the ground…You never one time let me down” from the song Natural High written by Freddy Powers for Merle Haggard. That line always makes me think of my wife Janel & all she has done for me, so those lyrics have always been really special to me!”

ROUND 3 – What is your inspiration for writing and performing songs, what keeps you pushing forward?

Craig – “I’ve written songs since I was a little kid & it’s always given me a sense of peace & accomplishment. So when I write a song & sing it & someone comes up to me & tells me how much they can relate to that song, or how that song took them to a different place in time, even if it’s only for 4 minutes. That means the world to me.”

ROUND 4 – Most people love pets so to step away from the music a little, do you have any pets and if so can you tell us about them?

Craig – “Yep! We have a Siberian Husky named “Sember” I’ve always had a special love for dogs. I consider them magical in a certain type of way. They have a way of teaching us things, real life things you can’t learn from other people & Sember is no exception, she is definitely a big part of our family!”

ROUND 5 – What are your favorite hobbies outside of the music World?

Craig – “I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors, being in the timber cutting firewood has always been one of my favorite things aside from that, I like to cook & spend time with my family when I’m not out making music.”

Last Call – This is a place where you can tell your fans and the people who may be hearing about you for the first time anything that you would like them to know.

Craig – “I truly enjoy meeting & talking with all of the people that I meet out on the road. Making new friends & listening to their stories..Its those people that inspire me & I only hope I can return the favor by inspiring others through my music.”

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